Saturday, January 9, 2010

Are You Aware Of Ravelry?

In talking with customers and other knitters, I am often surprised at how many knitters are unaware of the existence of Ravelry. If you are one of those lucky folks (lucky because you have Christmas morning ahead of you!) who didn't know about Ravelry, get thyself over to the website pronto, sign up, and await the wonders that are ahead of you. It's free!
I remember almost three years ago when I read on someone's blog about a new website that was starting up that would be a sort of gigantic database for knitters. I signed up, was unimpressed, and forgot about it until a few months later when I started to hear whispers and shouts all over the internet: "ravelry! Ravelry! RAVELRY!" Now I can't imagine my knitting life without it.

Those of you who are already on Ravelry know what a mighty resource it is. For those of you who don't know, it is a way to keep track of projects, find new projects, search thousands and thousands of patterns, find kindred souls, find yarn stores, you name it. In addition to joining the logical discussion groups for designers, I've also joined groups for American Idol, "Mad Men", The Tangled Web (my local yarn store), and Patrick O'Brian (one of my favorite authors). It's everything you need to know about knitting and so much more.

'Nuff said. I just want to make sure you all are aware of this insanely valuable resource. My user name is "momogus" - make me your friend on Ravelry! I love meeting new knitters and seeing what they're making.

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